
This is part of the Week 1 Review Ticket. If you came here, I hope you came here from the github issue. If not, please take a look right here. That being said, if you missed where the python, bash, and personal development submission parts are, they are in this list!

Anyways, if you came from the github issue, you are probably here for the fastpages/web development part of the submission. That part of the submission is too complex to just stick a single link in the title without a dedicated post, so here’s to the changes!


If you go back to the homepage, you may notice that the majority of the posts have vanished (with the exception of some word files and the weekly review tickets). This is intentional. The posts column would be far too messy if every markdown page and every jupyter notebook file I uploaded to the site landed in the column. The way I did this was to add the hide: true option to the front matter of all of my notebooks and markdown files (with the exception of the review tickets). I also added that to word_front_matter.txt in the action files, but unfortunately it doesn’t want to cooperate with me. So there are word files in the posts column. Sorry about that.

But how will I find all of your posts and notebooks? Well, for that you can refer to the search page if you want to look up a specific phrase, or go to the tags page! The tags page will provide a much better framework for organizing all of my notebook files and markdown files. And of course if you really need to go back and view a file I used for submission, go to my issues page! I won’t close any issues until the year ends.

However, I still have to add what I did. If you looked at my python and bash hacks, those serve as the .ipynb jupyter notebook files I added to the site. I also have a very comprehensive notes page in the taskbar (notice it’s between the tags and about me pages). In addition, I added two markdown posts for my Calc BC Class. One has multiple images of some fundamental concepts, while the other is a guide for showing work (since there are a lot of nuances in that class). As for my word files, those come from my English class. There are:

How come I didn’t put that many files here? Because I’m smart enough to realize that if I put any turned-in assignments here that there’s the risk of someone copying my work… and what happens afterwards is nasty.

Now, here’s a table of my daily progress

Date Activities completed
August 22 Review Ticket shown
August 23 Sent email to Mr. Yeung about concerns in working in groups (a partner was taking up my time with needing help getting set up). He gave me some very helpful tips. During class, I also learned to open jupyter notebooks in a web browser. Took notes on the “good life” video very late in the night.
August 24 Started the python script at this point. Was a little confused.
August 25 Started the bash script. I was confused. Finished the python vocabulary notes and made my first for loop in the python quiz! Uploaded files for other courses into fastpages.
August 26 Removed an if statement in the tags page which excluded pages with the hide: true front matter (this was to organize my fast page). Uploaded files for other courses into fastpages.
August 28 Finished bash script test. Added comment functionality to the majority of my files. Dealt with issues in image integration of notebooks and word file issues (ongoing)

Remaining tasks