Writing an Op-Ed Piece


- 400-800 words, typed, (Copy submitted to teacher must be double-spaced, MLA format)

- Due Tuesday 9/6 at midnight

- You must choose an actual newspaper/journal to submit your piece to. See theopedproject.org for a list of possibilities. Identify the specific publication that you are submitting to on your piece.

- Clearly defined subject matter that engages reader with opening

- Distinct and plausible recommendations for action and change (failure to do this will result in a full grade level dock)

- Acknowledgment of opposing point of view

- Vibrant word choice reflective of personal voice and writer’s ethos.

According to The Wall Street Journal: Your article should be a strong argument about an issue in the news. It should not be a response to a Journal article; that is a letter to the editor. So this means that you should choose something about which you are passionate.

Please visit http://www.theopedproject.org/ for further resources

According to Duke University:

- Track the news and jump at opportunities.

- Make a single point — well.

- Put your main point on top.

- Tell readers why they should care.

- Offer specific recommendations.

- Showing is better than discussing.

- Embrace your personal voice.

- Play up your personal connection to the readers.

- Use short sentences and paragraphs.

- Avoid jargon.

- Use the active voice.

- Avoid tedious rebuttals.

- Acknowledge the other side.

- Make your ending a winner.

- Relax and have fun.

- Don’t worry about the headline.

- Offer graphics.