
This is part of the Week 2 Review Ticket. If you came here, I hope you came here from the github issue. If not, please take a look right here. That being said, if you missed where the python is, it’s here!

Anyways, if you came from the github issue, you are probably here for the fastpages/web development part of the submission. That part of the submission is too complex to just stick a single link in the title without a dedicated post, so here’s to the changes!


There are quite a few things in the HTML hacks that I have had previously for a while. In case you missed the tags and search pages:

My website has plenty of “time box fragments” (otherwise known as tables), including the one below. If you want to see a lot of tables, you should see my notes page.

Also, you probably noticed that my website has a different color scheme. Specifically, my top bar is black while the rest of the background is navy blue. I had to make quite a few customizations to an example dark mode file (as well as the default fastpages-styles.scss file) to change the colors of the background and the text to ensure a dark background and text with sufficient contrast.

I also had an adventure modifying the theme of my website. For notes about that adventure, click here.. I decided to remove the theme since it removed the top bar, making it harder to access the tags page.

Now, here’s a table of my daily progress

Date Activities completed
August 29 First attempt at theme integration using _config.yml. The theme was not inputted correctly, breaking the CI task in fastpages and making it impossible to update the website.
August 30 Learned about dictionaries in a list in python. Added new information into the given list of dictionaries InfoDB, and demonstrated how to output list items backwards and in a random order.
August 31 Attempted to make a python quiz using a new list of dictionaries QuizDB, but got stuck due to various issues within the for loop and since I was appending my question/answer pairs to InfoDb instead of QuizDB. Also tried to append to a list using input and had trouble due to quotation issues. I eventually fixed the issue using f”{var_name}”, which allowed printing of any variable value inside the quotation marks. Also learned about how I inputted my website theme wrong in a lesson, and revised that. Had trouble customizing dark mode example code.
September 1 Was able to customize dark mode, making all parts of the website except the top bar navy blue (the top bar is the default dark-mode color)
September 2 Customized the text color to contrast sufficiently with the background.

Remaining tasks