
This is a submission for the Tools/Equipment hack. If you want to see index.html, you might as well check out home.

Anyways, better start showing you my stuff. My main github is here. You were probably interested in seeing the insights page as well, so I’ll stick it in here.

Oh yeah, you also wanted to see me using VSCode, which is how I’m writing this page.



And then there’s my Jupyter notebook, which is found at this link. Yeah, I know it has the default title. Going to have to ask around to figure out how that stuff works.

Anyways that’s all the submission-related stuff, but I think it’s also a good idea to keep a journal… of what I’ve done, and what I have left to do.

Here is a table of my progress.

Date Activities completed
August 17 Class started. Installed VSCode and the windows version of a bunch of programs (oops)
August 18 Installed Windows Subsystem Linux. Installed python, jupyter, anaconda, and a lot of other software the way I was supposed to do it.
August 19 Fastpages development begins. Created the repository and did basic edits
August 21 (night) Fastpages development continues with this post, index.html, and about me. Make the Jupyter notebook. Used VSCode with my fastpages development (including this page)

Remaining tasks: